Tuesday 8 November 2016

Pikatti: Sound Design Progress

Even though our animatic and script still require some adjustments, I've decided to begin editing and piece together the sound effects I've been gathering up over the last few weeks. This is only a small portion of our animatic and it sill needs some other details such as the jingle of the dog's name-tag, but I figured I'd post an update on the progress I've made so far. It's taking me a while to sort out some audio for the boy (which is not all featured in this clip, I'm hoping I've made/edited all of the clips that I will need) but I think it's come out alright. We are hoping that the sound will clarify some aspects of the story including explaining the collar belonged to his dog who passed away. I also have begun working on sounds for the fox, which I am hoping will help the audience know that there is a difference between the boy's dead dog and the fox.

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