Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Minor Project: Projecting Onto Multiple Objects #1

For this test I wanted to try projecting onto a number of objects rather than one solid one such as the domes I have been experimenting with. There were several films that I thought were interesting that used the technique of projecting onto multiple separate objects so I wanted to try it out in Maya.

All I did for this test was create a number of cylinders, flattened them slightly, and arranged them so they were relatively scattered but still close enough that they created a near solid form depending on the camera angle. I then mixed a few different aiStandardSurface presets (plastic, metal, glass) and set up a spot light with a gobo filter. I also decided to add in aiAtmosphereVolume but unfortunately because of the way I rendered it (no background/sky dome and I rendered them out as TIFF files) the rays of light didn't show up in the animation...but it can be seen in the still image.

I do quite like how this test turned out, and I wonder what it would look like if I created tons of these bars. Perhaps it would be interesting to try that out and perhaps experiment with the material on it. I think it would be interesting to apply the tile texture to it, but it may also be interesting to create a dome with the tiles like in this test, and fill it with the bars and try out different materials such as glass.

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