Thursday, 9 August 2018

Romeo & Juliet: Initial Tests #10-15

As suggested, I experimented more with colours for these tests. I re-used the glittery pink texture on the simulation itself to try out new colours and I also tried out some background colours. For the glitter texture I tried out blue, gold/yellow, and some ramps that added a variety of colours rather than just one. I also tried out settings to adjust the density, size, and intensity/contrast of the glitter flakes. 


Test #10 is pretty much the same in regards to the pink, but I experimented more with the density, scale and normal randomise settings on the other tests. It seems to largely depend on the colours and lighting to determine how intense the glitter needs to be...if it's too intense it looks fake but if it's not intense enough it doesn't look sparkly (Test #15 is an example of how it varies).


For the background I applied a simple aiStandardSurface shader and played around with the base colour and the emission colour/weight. Again I tried some solid colours as well as some ramps/gradients to see how it'd affect the overall lighting/colour of the scene. Out of all these tests I quite like #13 and #14 because I like both the monochromatic look as well as a higher contrast one with the gold against the blue.



#15 (Normal Randomise 0.700)

#15 (Normal Randomise 0.400)

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