Wednesday 4 April 2018

Major Project: Light Flicker 001, Snowball, & Soap V. 2 Composites

I began putting together a few extra room shots that feature a light flicker or light flare effect to assist transitioning between live action footage and the CGI space. I currently have two 'flare' shots rendering, and I hope these three new shots along with a few other shots I already have that feature light flickers will be enough for transitions but if I need to make a few more I'll have time.

My snowball shot finished rendering, and as predicted I think the falling snowflake scene will work better for the line when I think of my family I see snow. That said, I still quite like how this shot looks and perhaps it will be useful for when I see hospitals I feel unbearably cold as I could inter-cut it with the live action footage I've been using. I'm not sure if that's what I'll do or if I'll just abandon this shot, but it's an option.

Finally, I have the final version of my soap bubbles shot. This shot was causing me some problems while compositing because some of the frames were giving me errors on my Mac but not on my Windows PC. I now have it composited together though and I think I may prefer this one over the others because it has that really subtle camera movement but I have all 4 versions to choose from when the time comes. I also worked on a few more layers of blurring in AE so it was overall blurred more at the start of the shot. 

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